Wednesday 18 May 2016

7 Simple Ways to Save Electricity in the Workplace

If we all do our bit to save electricity, we can make a positive impact on the environment, plus reduce bills! However, energy conservation at work can go a long way in reducing our collective carbon footprint, reducing toxic emissions in the atmosphere.

1. Turn off Appliances Not in Use

Never leave your computer on throughout the night, unless you have lengthy processing to do. When you step out for lunch or a break, leave the computer on standby to reduce power consumption. If the break is intended to be a longer one, turn the computer off. Before leaving for the day, check to see if most other appliances are turned off as well. But make sure you are not making trouble for someone who is staying late working.

2. Turn off Lights

When you leave for the day, make sure you turn off the lights in your cubicle or room. If there are other unoccupied spaces with lights on, turn them off as well. During the day, if there is enough light in your surroundings, turn off the lights. They may not even be making a difference in bright daylight.

3. Take the Stairs

Try to take the stairs every time you want to get to your office, especially if you have the time and if you are not on an upper floor. Avoid taking the elevator by yourself, to conserve energy wasted on multiple trips. Try to set your daily route in such a way that you get used to the manual doors, instead of the electronically operated ones.

4. Reduce Printing

Most offices have tons of wasted paper printouts. Avoid printing copies of every version of a report or project. Save copies on your computer, and only print them out when the need arises. When collecting copies from the printer, check to make sure you are not taking someone else’s printout by mistake. This will stop people from printing multiple copies unnecessarily. Use recycled paper for printing, and get into the habit of recycling everything that is no longer of use.

5. Minimize Air Conditioner Use

Avoid turning on the air conditioner or heater when the weather is relatively pleasant. Leaving the windows open will let you have some fresh air, and also have a major impact on the company’s power bills. Closed, stuffy surroundings also increase the chances of illness among people. Setting the thermostat at an optimum level during the winter will save energy and keep everyone comfortable.

6. Use Fluorescent Lights

Consider making a suggestion to your company to replace all lights with fluorescent lights. These lights provide good illumination and can help in huge savings in electricity.

7. Use the Kitchen Responsibly

Most offices are equipped with stoves, ovens, microwaves, dishwashers and refrigerators. Make sure you use these appliances efficiently. Avoid leaving the refrigerator open for longer than is necessary. Use the microwave oven instead of the gas or electric stove.

The more energy you save, the more profitable your business can be!

Off Grid provides backup power solutions that are both affordable, reliable and easy to run! When or if the power goes out, you can still continue with business and your daily activities.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Africa – A Continent in Shadows

In terms of population and land mass, Africa is the second largest continent in the world. But you wouldn’t believe that a majority of the billion people living on the continent survive everyday with little to no access to electricity. In the midst of economic, social, and geopolitical turmoil, many of the poorest nations in Africa are unable to scrounge up the money, resources, and general know-how to bring electricity to their people.

Here are some statistics and information you may not know about the quest for power in Africa:

- 79% of people living in third world African nations have no access to electricity.

- 1.5 billion (25% of the global population) people in the world have no access to electricity – they are mostly concentrated in Africa and southern Asia.

- In 11 countries in Africa, more than 90% of people go completely without electricity.

- In Burundi, Chad, Central African Republic, Liberia, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, 3 – 5 % of people have easy access to electric power.

- Africa has the lowest per capita energy use of any continent.

-  Each day, New York City consumes the same amount of electricity as all sub-Saharan African nations combined, excluding South Africa.

- African soil contains an estimated 18% of recoverable uranium.

- The two reactors in South Africa account for 5% of its energy generation.

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Wednesday 4 May 2016

5 simple ways to cut your electricity bill in half

The first thing to do is evaluate how much you’re actually spending monthly on your electric bill and from there you can determine whether you feel it is necessary to cut down on your electricity use or not.

Looking for affordable, reliable backup power solutions for those unfortunate power cuts? Take a look through Off Grid's website where they have a wide range of equipment, from UPS devices to KVA systems.

  • Program the Thermostat

Give the air conditioning a break during the workday. Shifting the settings to allow higher daytime temperatures could cut the average households electricity bill in half.

  • Unplug

Gadgets like a cellphone charger or microwave suck energy – and generate heat – as long as they are attached to a power source. Standby power for appliances not in use typically accounts for 5% - 10% of residential electricity use.

  • Wash Laundry with Cold Water

The best way to wash your clothing is to use cold water instead of hot water. Not only does it wash your clothes effectively, but you’ll save hundreds of Rands a year.

  • Consider the Light Bulbs you are using

You can…
> Turn off lights you aren’t using to save.
> Turn off a single 100Watt light bulb from running constantly to save.
> Replace light bulbs with energy-saving bulbs.

  • Think of Appliances you use but don’t really need

Instead of wasting gallons of water by putting a few plates in the dishwasher, hand wash them instead. Work a different look and let your hair air-dry whenever possible. Sweep your floors instead of using the vacuum. The list goes on and on. Once you start thinking of the electric gadgets you use each day, you might discover there was actually once life before them. Give it a try!

Always remember that conserving energy isn’t just saving you money, its saving the environment as well!