Friday 18 September 2015

10 things we miss the most when the electricity goes out

Going without electricity for a couple of hours is really bad, and it can be hell on earth for some people. Without electricity, even for a short time, these 10 things will be missed the most…

The most basic luxury that electricity provides is our lights at night, and even during the day! Your candles and flashlights aren’t even close to the same thing.

Majority of our communications these days revolve around our phones. They are the centre of our world and the main way we communicate on social media and with our family and friends.

This should go without saying, it is probably the thing we use the most in our modern lives. We can’t really get much done with our computer.

The average person watches 4 hours of TV a day, while the average child actually watches 6 hours! It can be a shock to our emotional system when the power goes out and we can’t watch anymore.

So many people walk around with their earphones attached to their iPods and other devices, listening to music. It can be a little bit difficult to do this if there is no electricity to recharge these devices. Like TV, music is a major part of the background entertainment for people.

Now that the days are getting hotter, it is vital to have air conditioning and fans to keep cool. Even in the colder months, heaters are always on. We have lived so long with this convenience that being without it, even for a few hours is a shock.

Our fridges serve an important role in keeping your food fresh and cool. When the electricity goes out, it can be hard to find a cool glass of water and it can cause food to go off, especially if the power is cut for a long period of time.

How will you handle it if you can’t make a fresh cup of coffee, or a nice piece of toast? Think about it, all your kitchen appliances run on electricity, so when the power is cut, you can’t use much in the kitchen!

Let this sink in, all of us cook our food in the oven, microwave or on the stove, we won’t be able to cook any dinner if there is no power. Cold salads and sarmies are always an option though.

Washing your clothes is something that you may take for granted, and when the power goes out and you really need clean clothes for work the next day, it can be a real hassle.

Even though most of the time the power only goes out for a couple of hours, it can be annoying and a real shock on our emotional state when we can’t use the things we usually do! It is surprising how many things in our lives need electricity to function!

Off Grid provides backup power solutions that are both affordable and seamless to run; when the power goes out you are not inconvenienced and you can continue to run your business, watch TV, surf the internet, cook meals and all without worrying about when it’s coming back on again.

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